
Monday, April 2, 2012

Inspriation via Youtube || Project April

Bahaha so much for my promise for posting at least two post each month. Sorry -- month of March was pretty busy and, sadly, haven't had much inspiration. I wanted to take some photos outside but the weather over here in Vancouver hasn't been the best. Since the weather hasn't been the greatest, I've been catching up on my youtube subscriptions to amazing people like Michelle Phan  and Bubz from Bubz Beauty. Love their videos -- their fashion and beauty advice are easy to follow! So I've decided to blog my responses to their videos by actually doing them! So I'm super excited for this month! Got a whole bunch of ideas for April - going to attempt a haul blog, some more nail art, and some product reviews. Maybe even do a DIY?

Here's a hint for my next posting (which is coming in a couple days)!


  1. I think you mean DIY, because
    1. you can't drive
    2. you shouldn't be drinking while you drive. ;)

    1. bahhahhahahaha oops i thought i read through everything....
