
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Duck, Duck,Duck...Butt

This is another late post. When I mean late...I mean late. I went back home during Thanksgiving weekend and the fam decided that we should go out for a walk. When my parents say walk, they mean drive over to our local lake and walk around there. Perfect opportunity for me to take some fun pictures. These aren't all of them. Just a few for taste.

Typical Black Bird. Love thems

Om nom nom

The whole reason why I named this post "Duck, Duck, Duck...Butt". We were feeding ducks. You have to noticed how white the ducks' bums really are. It's amazingly white.

Monday, November 16, 2009

just thinking

Who? Me
What? Blogging
When? November 16th, 2009
Where? The Library
Why? Just cuz

So it's three weeks until exams. You just have to wonder where the time has gone. Time is so precious. Time is infinitive but can not be taken back. Just think.

The last few months has been the most stressful semester ever.
- started the year book a month later than expected
- 17 credit course load
- cooking for myself :)
- migraines like no other
- blah blah blah

However, it's been the most exciting.
- found a church
- made new friends
- been taking photos like no other
- loving Jesus like no other

Do I know where this is going? Honestly, I do not have a single clue. I wish I did.
Just think about the time you've spent.
Time is precious.
Don't leave a second unused.
Don't abuse that second that has been given to you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

...The Idea of Blogging...

Very first post! So I never really understood the idea of blogging. From typing up an online diary to reviewing various eating places to criticizing the newest shoe, I never really thought of about blogging myself. I didn't think I had anything to blog about but then I thought to myself, 'How about my pictures?' So this, my dear friends, is my photo blog. I love taking pictures of random things. OK they aren't random but I love photography. Just to give you all a heads up, majority of this blog from now on are going to be pictures. However, there may be other 'random' things like inspiring quotes and half written lyrics. Here I come, blogging world!